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 سوفت ستار لينك 999 بلص بى اوت  اعطى هذا الملف واربط الجهاز على النت التفعيل مينيو 5555 ماجيك كام تفعيل مبروك عليك هنا ملف قنوات قمرين هنا

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فلاشات الموبيلمكتبة الفلاشات والسوفت

التحديث الجديد لواجهة MTK الاصدار Infinity CM2MT2 v2.04

Infinity CM2MT2 v2.04: New chips and features activated

Base - MT6761 support activated
Base - MT6765 support activated
Base - MT6771 support activated 
Base - Secure boot - ARB verification during boot ( via BROM logging ) 
Base - Secure boot - SLA challenge state verify ( pass-trought file or nonce challenge )
FWFlasher - Some ancient secure devices flashing optimized ( early 6572 and similar )
FWFlasher - MT6753/MT6752 flashing revized 
FWFlasher - Pre-flash backup option enabled
FWFlasher - Flash core updated
FWReader - More accurate FW verification for signed types ( issues after FOTA "garbaging" )
FWReader - ARB state and version, if present ARB bit 
FWReader - AVB state and version, if present AVB secure mechanism 
FWReader - FW logging info - if SW show it during load - make sure device contain SAME or LOWER version!
FWReader - More types supported for safe read
FWReader - Info reading improved 
Service - Security repair revised ( NVRAM verify and some "old" types support )
Service - "Repair BaseBand" option activated
Service - Format FS revised
Service - NVRAM module updated 
MemTool - Improved work with partitions on LEGACY line
MemTool - Wipe operation optimized ( def and adr mode )
Platform - MT6761 support activated [ Under test ]
Platform - MT6771 support activated 
Platform - MT6765 support activated
Platform - MT6753 support optimized
Platform - MT8172 support optimized
Platform - MT8176 support optimized
Platform - MT8163 support optimized
Platform - MT8127 support optimized
LoaderDB - New agents included ( Moto, Huawei, ZTE, Asus and others )
Other - Lot of different small changes and fixes
Other - BootHelper updated
Other - ErrorHandling updated - more detailed hints/explanation of troubles during service process
Other - EMI Module updated - MT6765/MT6771/MT8176/MT8172/MT8173/MT6753 supported
Other - Automatic backup during Identify and critical operations ( list can be tuned via edit settings.ini )
Other - Partial LEGACY NAND support ( complete boot/verify ) for testing purposes for now - MT6580, MT81xx series
Other - All settings ( except FLASH tab and Platform Settings group ) now saved/load automatically 

Many thanks to: bRkA, gracy_elec and other our users for providing files and/or testing


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